MINT01648: John Fletcher: The Examination of John Fletcher 18 May 1704

MINT01649: Samuel Fletcher: The Examination of Samuel Fletcher borther to John Fletcher 18 May 1704

MINT01651: Anthony Richardson: The Information of Anthony Richardson 20 May 1704

MINT01650: William Nevill: The Information of William Nevill 5 June 1704

MINT01531: Katherine Linton: The Information of Katherine Linton widow 1 July 1704

MINT01532: Thomas Trott/Carter/Williams/Brown: The Examination of Thomas Trott alias Carter alias Williams alias Brown 1 July 1704

MINT01533: Henry Fitzgerald: The Examination of Henry Fitzgerrald taken in the Gatehouse prison 7 October 1704

MINT01678: Amy Angell: The Information of Amy the wife of Richard Angell 20 November 1705

MINT01679: Sarah Angell: The Information of Sarah the Daughter (of Richard Angell) 20 November 1705

MINT01681: Richard Angell: The Deposition of Richard Angell 16 May 1706

MINT00861: Report on two coinage offenders

MINT00862: Holograph notes on expenses for detecting and prosecuting counterfeiters in 1710 and 1711

MINT00865: Holograph list of expense payments made by the Mint to various informants

MINT00866: Holograph draft of MINT00865 (Mint 19/1/469) and table of payments to informants

MINT00976: Mint report on Mr Weddel's claim for expenses incurred in the prosecution of coiners

MINT00863: Report on Robert Weddell's expense claim of £467.15s.2d. for prosecuting coinage offenders from May 1711 to Christmas 1712, which the Mint consider reasonable given his success rate

MINT00864: Holograph draft and partial draft of MINT00863 (Mint 19/1/468)

MINT00867: Holograph fragment of report that the informant Henry Smithson has been paid all he is owed

MINT01146: Copy of response to the memorials of Henry Smithson, with an account of a meeting with John Thompson

MINT00986: Report on the petition of Richard Barrow