MINT00559: Holograph draft memorandum on disputes between Newton and the warden [Craven Peyton], particularly the warden's opposition to Newton's proposal to pay vendors of plate 5s. per ounce on account [see MINT00558 (Mint 19/2/539-40)]

MINT00560: Draft of MINT00559 (Mint 19/2/537)

MINT02056: Draft of MINT00559 (Mint 19/2/537)

MINT00561: Summarises the history of the plate-collection and requests a warrant to pay the suppliers at least some of what is owed to them

MINT00562: Draft of MINT00561 (Mint 19/2/561)

MINT00563: Holograph draft of a royal warrant authorising payment to vendors of 5s. an ounce with the balance to follow

MINT00564: Further holograph draft of MINT00563 (Mint 19/2/522)

MINT01966: Draft of MINT00561 (Mint 19/2/561)

MINT00565: Holograph draft of a royal warrant authorising payment of the balance

MINT00311: Correspondence relating to Spanish coinage

MINT00566: Treasurer's authorisation for the payments described in MINT00565 (Mint 19/2/518)

MINT00567: Holograph draft of MINT00566 (Mint 19/2/555)

MINT00076: Application to appoint a new smith

MINT00077: Further holograph draft of MINT00076 (Mint 19/1/223)

MINT00966: Account of the state of the tin in mortgage

MINT00967: Letter concerning the value of the Spanish Riall

MINT00715: Covering letter for a Mint report on a further petition from Cornwall for a renewal of the tin contract, and for 'a further Report upon the present state of the Tin', probably meaning the following entry

MINT00716: Account of tin sales made through agents abroad, in Amsterdam since 1704 and in Hamburg since 1705

MINT00717: Holograph drafts of MINT00715 (Mint 19/3/483) and MINT00716 (Mint 19/3/482)

MINT00718: Incomplete holograph draft of MINT00716 (Mint 19/3/482), followed by calculations relating to the tin trade and two holograph drafts of MINT00715 (Mint 19/3/483)