MINT01279: Samuel May: The Examination and Deposition of Samuel May of the parish of St James Westminster Brewer 12 September 1698

MINT01280: Samuel Bond: The Deposition of Samuel Bond of Ashbourn in the Peake in the County of Derby Chyrurgeon 16 September 1698

MINT01307: "A Copy of Sr. John Trenchards Warrt. agt. John Hickes and others for Clipping the Currt. Coyn"

MINT01549: James Beer: The Information of James Beer 19 September 1698

MINT01311: Martha Browne: The Examination of Martha Browne now a prisoner in the new prison at St James's Clerkenwell 26 September 1698

MINT01312: John Fountaine: The Examination of John Fountaine now in custody 26 September 1698

MINT01353: John Bate: Untitled, dated 5 & 7 October 1698

MINT01354: William Hulbert: Untitled, 7 October 1698

MINT01355: "The Mayor of Bristolls Letter"

MINT01338: "David Davis's Information to Mr Secretary Vernon"

MINT01337: Thomas Carter: Information of Thomas Carter 12 October 1698

MINT01356: Grace Hemmings: The Deposition of Grace Hemmings of Vine Street by Hatton Gardens 13 October 1698

MINT01357: Elizabeth Ivy: The Examination of Elizabeth Ivie of Liccabone Street in Holbourn Widow 13 October 1698

MINT01320: Joseph Wildman: The Information of Joseph Wildman Serjeant of Colonel Watkins's Company the First Regiment of Guards 20 October 1698

MINT01321: James Cockering/Cockrane: The Information of James Cockering Corporal in Colonel Withers's Company in the First Regiment of Guards 21 October 1698

MINT01322: Richard/Robert Baker: Information of Richard Baker a soldier in Colonel Watkins's Company in the First Regiment of Guards 21 October 1698

MINT01330: Katherine Matthews: The Information of Katherine Matthews of Earles Court in Cranburne Ally in the parish of St Ann Westminster 23 October 1698

MINT01331: Mary Ball: Information of Mary Ball 23 October 1698

MINT01358: John Bates: Untitled, 24 October 1698

MINT01359: Untitled letter from the Mayor of Bristol, dated 24 October 1698