MINT01086: Copy of Treasury referral of order for a trial of the pix

MINT01087: Copy of declaration approving of the draft of medals to commemorate the conclusion of the peace

MINT01088: Copy of referral of declaration approving of the draft of medals to commemorate the conclusion of the peace

MINT01044: Copy of note concerning Charles Tunnah and William Dale's proposal for coining farthings, and Catesby Odam being assay-master

MINT00980: "Report of the officers of the Mint on a petition of Mr Oadham"

MINT01738: Letter from Newton to John Grigsby concerning a South Sea stock dividend

MINT01075: Copy of note concerning the potential prosecution of Newton by one of the Hamiltons

MINT01683: Printed form letter to Newton with scribal additions summoning him to a meeting of the Society of the City of London

MINT00893: Promises his vote for the presidency at next week's Royal Society election to Newton, whom he would make 'Perpetual Dictator' of the Society, and asking Newton how he should vote for the councillors and officers

MINT01182: Copy of order to produce fifty medals of gold

MINT01138: Copy of letter concerning the costs associated with coining copper

MINT01045: Copy of note requesting an account of the various locations of her Majesty's tin

MINT01180: Copy of order to produce account of the Mint following the death of the assaymaster

MINT01181: Copy of warrant for the payment of Charles Brattle

MINT00611: Report on copper coinage

MINT01046: Copy of note accompanying a forwarded letter from Mr Bertie concerning the coinage of copper half-pence and farthings

MINT01047: Copy of note accompanying a proposal of James Maculla for disposing of block tin in Ireland

MINT00982: "Officers of the Mint Report about the value of her Majesty's tin unsold"

MINT01048: Copy of note to the Officers of the Mint referring representations from various Bristolians concerning fraud impacting the revenue arising from tin

MINT01049: Copy of note to the agents for tin in Cornwall referring representations from various Bristolians concerning fraud impacting the revenue arising from tin
