MINT01740: Letter from Newton to John Haldane regarding meeting requested in MINT01739

MINT00994: An account of the unsold tin, giving its location and possessor

MINT01155: Copy of reference of bill for engraving several public seals

MINT01058: Copy of note concerning the work of Justus Brandshagen and James Hamilton in Scotland

MINT00996: Request for an allowance not exceeding £36 for defraying the charged of a dinner for the jury at the Tryall of the Pix

MINT01201: Copy of authorisation to defray the charges of a dinner for the jury at the trial of the pix

MINT00780: Detailed technical instructions to be given to Brandshagen and Hamilton for inspecting the mine at Alva: they should be assisted by an Edinburgh Mint officer

MINT01156: Copy of letter concerning the bills for engraving public seals

MINT00783: Passes on a report he has received about the vein of silver ore in Alva and gives advice on conducting the inspection

MINT01202: Copy of petition of Richard Barrow

MINT00995: Account of the arrival of Dr Brandshagen in Scotland

MINT01060: Excerpt of letter concerning arrival of Justus Brandshagen in Scotland

MINT01059: Copy of Treasury referral of letter concerning arrival of Justus Brandshagen in Scotland

MINT00786: Suggests various means by which Brandshagen and his party could save time and money in their investigation

MINT01203: Copy of note referring the petition and account of Richard Barrow

MINT00825: Complaint about encroachments on Mint property

MINT01061: Copy of letter concerning the consignment of 1481 ounces of Spanish silver to Newton by the Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica

MINT01065: Copy of note requesting Sir Isaac Newton's attendance for a new indenture of the Mint

MINT00633: In response to a verbal order, a detailed account of Newton's proposed method of coining copper from rolled bars, the requisite staff and their respective duties

MINT01691: Henry Smithson requests funds to investigate a counterfeiting case
