MINT00153: Draft of MINT00152 (Mint 19/3/2-3)

MINT00154: 'An Account of the weight & fineness of several pieces of Scotch money': holograph notes for MINT00152 (Mint 19/3/2-3)

MINT00155: Holograph list of weights and assays of 23 Scottish coins 1665-95

MINT00300: Draft regulations on hallmarking and provision for regular trials by the Mint's assay master, with notes on past legislation

MINT00343: Holograph draft or summary of legislation concerning the receipt of bullion by the Mint and the roles of the various Mint officers in this operation

MINT00347: 'Extracts out of an Act of the first Parliament of King James the seventh chap. XXIV anent a free coinage'

MINT00477: Holograph extract of Parliamentary act passed under Henry VI authorising the appointment of Mint masters outside London

MINT00525: Memorandum: 'Plate Melted att the Tower anno 1696'

MINT00808: Extracts from earlier masters' indentures relating to Mint independence and freedom of entry and exit

MINT00883: 'Observations concerning the Mint'

MINT00884: Partial holograph draft of MINT00883 (Mint 19/1/10-11)

MINT01725: Receipts: Hammered silver money paid & rec'd from the Mint by the Receiver General & Cashier of Customs

MINT01981: Extracts from earlier masters' indentures relating to Mint independence and freedom of entry and exit

MINT02055: Draft regulations on hallmarking and provision for regular trials by the Mint's assay master, with notes on past legislation

MINT02060: Draft of MINT00152 (Mint 19/3/2-3)

MINT00023: Order to Mint to seize all [former engraver] James Roettier's puncheons, dies and presses

MINT00927: Letter concerning the petitions of Peter Floyer and Charles Shales

MINT01249: Letter concerning Halley's acceptance of Newton's offer to assist him in securing an engineer's place

MINT00843: Order of the Commons Committee on the Miscarriages of the Mint (forwarded to Newton by the Committee's chairman, Arnold) for [William] Chaloner [Challoner]to demonstrate before them his method of making guineas

MINT00024: Response to the tender of Peter Floyer and Charles Shales for melting down hammered silver coin and converting it into standard silver: their proposed fee is excessive and they should be beaten down
