MINT00204: Holograph table comparing Dutch and French coinage, with notes on the value of English money in Dunkirk

MINT00587: Holograph fragment on the expenses of the bullion suppliers

MINT00588: Holograph memorandum deprecating a new alloy of silver and zinc in unknown proportions

MINT00601: 'Considerations about the Coynage of Copper Moneys'

MINT00602: Further holograph draft of MINT00601 (Mint 19/2/352)

MINT00603: Another holograph draft of MINT00601 (Mint 19/2/352), adding details of the hammer test and calculations of costs

MINT00604: 'Considerations about the coinage of copper moneys'

MINT00613: 'Particular of the charges of repairing and fitting up the Irish Mint for a coynage of Copper'

MINT00614: 'The Price of Engines for Coyning Copper'

MINT00615: List of small tools required and their prices

MINT00668: 'A Proposal Humbly offered to the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament assembled'

MINT00669: 'The Charges of the Monyrs Part In Coyning Copper half Pence and Farthings'

MINT00670: 'Proposalls for Cutting & Coyning of Copper Half pence and Farthings p[er] the Monyrs'

MINT00671: Holograph memorandum on packing coins for distribution

MINT00672: Memoranda on accounting, checking and packing

MINT00673: Holograph notes on rate of output of copper

MINT02037: Memoranda on accounting, checking and packing

MINT02038: Memoranda on accounting, checking and packing

MINT00975: "Report of the Assays of Spanish Pieces"

MINT00609: Report on a proposal by Charles Tunnah and William Dale to coin 1,000 tons of halfpence and farthings from an artificial metal similar to gold
