MINT01942: Draft relating to MINT00571 (Mint 19/2/262)

MINT00571: 'An Account of the moneys coyned annually in the Tower'

MINT01056: Copy of note requesting an account of the quantities and value of tin in hand or paid for in the country or abroad

MINT00465: Response to the petition of the former Edinburgh bullion clerk William Hamilton, referred by the Treasury to the London Mint

MINT00466: Draft of MINT00465 (Mint 19/3/199)

MINT02061: Draft of MINT00465 (Mint 19/3/199)

MINT01194: Copy of Richard Sandford's memorial concerning a clerk for assistance in the prosecutions of clippers and coiners

MINT01195: Copy of Treasury referral of Sandford's memorial

MINT00869: Draft of MINT00868 (Mint 19/1/450-51)

MINT01927: Draft of MINT00868 (Mint 19/1/450-51)

MINT01928: Draft of MINT00868 (Mint 19/1/450-51)

MINT01929: Draft of MINT00868 (Mint 19/1/450-51)

MINT01930: Draft of MINT00868 (Mint 19/1/450-51)

MINT00868: Further to an enquiry by the warden [Craven Peyton], recommend he continue to be allowed a clerk-cum-solicitor to assist in prosecuting counterfeiters. Details of recommended salary and permissible expenses for the post

MINT01196: Copy of response to Sandford's memorial, detailing the salary and expenses allowance of a clerk for assistance in prosecuting clippers and counterfeiters

MINT00823: Complaint about encroachments on Mint jurisdiction

MINT00824: Further holograph draft of MINT00823 (Mint 19/3/407), also dated 20 July 1715

MINT01193: Copy of order to pay the Chief Warden of the jury of goldsmiths to defray charges relating to the trial of the pix

MINT01197: Copy of order authorising expenses for the prosecution of clippers and counterfeiters following Sandford's memorial

MINT00989: Report on the petition of the Gravers of his Majesty's Mint
