MINT00781: Holograph draft of MINT00780 (Mint 19/3/231-2)

MINT00782: Clerical copy of the Privy Council's instructions to Brandshagen and Hamilton [based on Newton's suggestions in MINT00780 (Mint 19/3/231-2)]

MINT01973: Clerical copy of the Privy Council's instructions to Brandshagen and Hamilton [based on Newton's suggestions in MINT00780 (Mint 19/3/231-2)]

MINT01156: Copy of letter concerning the bills for engraving public seals

MINT00185: Result of pyx trial held 29 August 1716: coins found satisfactory

MINT00783: Passes on a report he has received about the vein of silver ore in Alva and gives advice on conducting the inspection

MINT00784: 'Extract of a Memorial from Sr John Areskine [Erskine, the proprietor of the land on which the mine was discovered] to the Lord Vict Townshend'

MINT01202: Copy of petition of Richard Barrow

MINT00995: Account of the arrival of Dr Brandshagen in Scotland

MINT01060: Excerpt of letter concerning arrival of Justus Brandshagen in Scotland

MINT01059: Copy of Treasury referral of letter concerning arrival of Justus Brandshagen in Scotland

MINT00785: Treasury minute to Mint to advance £100 to Brandshagen and his party

MINT00786: Suggests various means by which Brandshagen and his party could save time and money in their investigation

MINT00787: Further holograph draft of MINT00786 (Mint 19/3/260)

MINT01023: Copy of note concerning the referral of the petition of Richard Barrow for expenses for prosecuting clippers and coiners

MINT01203: Copy of note referring the petition and account of Richard Barrow

MINT00332: Copy of a pamphlet [not by Newton] entitled 'Reasons for new-Coyning our Money so as to increase and preserve it, And for paying the Publick Debts'

MINT00333: 'A Third Letter to a Member of Parliament concerning the Value of GUINEAS, and the true Proportion between Gold and Silver'

MINT00580: Incomplete draft of MINT00579 (Mint 19/2/263)

MINT00581: Clerical copy of the notes on silver coinage in MINT00580 (Mint 19/2/253v)
