MINT00488: Copy of a table of values of foreign coins current in Ireland drawn up by James Hoare, then comptroller, in 1692; short covering letter

MINT00532: 'Account of the Silver Monies Coind in his Majestie's Mint In the Tower'

MINT00533: Continuation of the annual coinage statistics at MINT00523 (Mint 19/2/295) to 1699

MINT00534: Query regarding the master's liability for pyx trial results

MINT00585: Rough holograph notes of recoinage statistics

MINT00882: Holograph draft on legislative measures to eliminate counterfeit coin

MINT01091: General Observations on the Ancient State and use of Money in Commerce

MINT01092: A Brief Account of the ancient Coins of England, and the severall alterations in their species, weight, and standard

MINT01093: Of the several methods taken to corrupt & diminish our Coins

MINT01094: An Account of the Debaseing the Hammerd Silver Mony by Clipping

MINT01095: State of the Nation when the Coynage began

MINT01096: Account of the Provisions in Parliament to remedy ye ill state of the Coins anno 1694

MINT01097: Account of the Provisions in Parliament to remedy ye ill state of ye Coin. Annoy 1695

MINT01098: The State of the Royall Mint in the Tower when the grand Coynage began. ~1695/6

MINT01099: State of the Mint when the grand Coynage began in 1696

MINT01100: Proceedings in Parliament about the Coin in the Winter Session 1696/7

MINT01101: Of the Proceedings in Parliament about the Coin in the Winter Session 1697/8

MINT01102: Of the five Country Mints

MINT01103: Conclusion

MINT01104: Conclusion
