MINT00037: £2,000 had been the customary security for the mastership until the previous incumbent, Thomas Neale, gave £15,000 to allay doubts raised by his somewhat dubious financial history

MINT00038: Another holograph draft of MINT00037 (Mint 19/1/64)

MINT01516: Abraham Brett: The Examination of Abraham Brett 27 June 1700

MINT00117: Holograph draft of Mint accounts 1688-1700

MINT00821: Holograph notes on expenditure 1687-8

MINT01552: Henry Hodson: The Deposition of Henry Hodson 13 December 1700

MINT00207: Memorandum on the French-English exchange rate alongside notes on Biblical chronology

MINT00263: Draft version of Newton's memorandum on John Pollexfen's A Discourse of Trade, Coyn and Paper Credit (1697 & 1700)

MINT00264: Further draft of MINT00263 (Mint 19/2/612-13, 614-15)

MINT00265: 'On the Quantity of Coyn in the Nation'

MINT00266: Further draft of MINT00265 (Mint 19/2/618-20)

MINT00267: Holograph notes for MINT00265 (Mint 19/2/618-20)

MINT00268: 'Of Credit good & bad, and of the usefulness of the former' (changed from 'Of Credit good & counterfeit, & of the usefulness of the first & danger of the last')

MINT00269: Partial holograph drafts of all three parts of the 'Observations', in no particular order

MINT00282: Variant and apparently earlier holograph draft of MINT00281 (Mint 19/2/78-9): the note 'writt in 1701' has been added in another hand, though it seems likely this is a mistake

MINT00346: 'Considerations upon Trade'

MINT00489: 'The Case of the Parliament of Ireland'

MINT00535: 'The Comptrolment Roll': detailed table of the amount of gold and silver coined in the London and (where relevant) the country mints in each year from 1659 to 1700

MINT00674: Definition of 'intrinsic value'

MINT02057: Draft version of Newton's memorandum on John Pollexfen's A Discourse of Trade, Coyn and Paper Credit (1697 & 1700)
