MINT01892: Draft of MINT00044 (Mint 19/1/121)

MINT01893: Draft of MINT00044 (Mint 19/1/121)

MINT01894: Draft of MINT00044 (Mint 19/1/121)

MINT00275: 'An Abstract of the king of France's Edict of Sept. 17 1701', fixing French coinage values and gold-silver ratio

MINT00276: Copy (in French) of a French edict of 19 September 1701 on demonetisation

MINT00277: Suggests considering a revision of the relative value of gold and silver in England on the model of recent French legislation which has brought France into line with the Netherlands

MINT00934: "Mr Newton's Memorial concerning the proportion of Gold to Silver in value"

MINT01575: John Hook: The Information of John Hook, Constable, 14 November 1701

MINT01576: Samson Hodges: The Information of Samson Hodges 14 November 1701

MINT01577: Joanna Hodges: The Information of Joanna the Wife of Samson Hodges 14 November 1701

MINT01579: James Summers: The Examination of James Summers 14 November 1701

MINT01580: William Goslin: The Examination of William Goslin 14 November 1701

MINT01578: Joanna Thornton: The Information of Joanna Thornton 19 November 1701

MINT01122: Copy of letter concerning suggestions for the discouragement and reduction of counterfeiting

MINT00046: The £60 p.a. allowed for a master's assay master (as distinct from the royal assay master) has for a long time been paid to the deputy master, who has authority to examine the work of the royal assay master

MINT00047: Further to a petition from probationer engraver [Samuel] Bull, recommend raising his salary from £50 to £60 p.a. plus piece work

MINT00118: Queries about the uses to which surplus funds in the Mint's hands may be put

MINT00210: 'Experiments and Observations about the value of forreign coyns' [in fact entirely about French ones]: notes on denominations, French Mint practice, and rate of wear of coin

MINT00211: Holograph notes, partly in French and partly in English, with the Latin heading 'Pondera mensuræ et nummi in Gallia' ['Weights, measures and coins in France']

MINT00212: Holograph notes on French coinage
