MINT00110: Holograph drafts of MINT00109 (Mint 19/2/282) and of a similar account for 1,223 ingots coined from the Eleventh General Remain of 10 June 1696
Author: Newton, Isaac
Metadata: c. July 1696, c. 2,639 words.
Source: MINT 19/2/283-6, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK
MINT01849: Account of the Proceedings in the House of Commons, In Relation to the Recoining the Clipp'd Money, and Falling the Price of Guineas
Author: Unknown
Metadata: 20 August 1696, c. 5,195 words.
Source: Unknown, An Account of the Proceedings in the House of Commons, In Relation to the Recoining the Clipp'd Money, and Falling the Price of Guineas. Together With a Particular List of the Names of the Members consenting and dissenting ([London]: 20 August 1696).
MINT01850: A Proclamation ... [concerning a] Seditious Libel ... Intituled, An Account of the Proceedings of the House of Commons in Relation to the Recoining the Clipp'd Money, and Falling the Price of Guineas
Author: William III, King
Metadata: 5 November 1696, c. 346 words.
Source: By the King, A Proclamation ... [concerning] a False, Scandalous, and Seditious Libel, and Destructive to the Freedom and Liberties of Parliament, Intituled, An Account of the Proceedings of the House of Commons in Relation to the Recoining the Clipp'd Money, and Falling the Price of Guineas (London: 1696).