MINT01897: Holograph draft of MINT00173 (Mint 19/1/109)

MINT01898: Holograph draft of MINT00173 (Mint 19/1/109)

MINT01899: Holograph draft of MINT00173 (Mint 19/1/109)

MINT00179: Complaint about trial plates

MINT00180: Holograph draft of MINT00179 (Mint 19/1/275)

MINT01220: Copy of referral of petition of James Penman to the Mint

MINT01221: Copy of response to the petition of James Penman

MINT00861: Report on two coinage offenders

MINT00682: Estimated charges for handling tin

MINT00959: "Officers of the Mint presentment about the persons employed in the Management of the Tin Affaire in London."

MINT00596: Response to a proposal by one Mr Palmer to coin 700 tons of copper

MINT00075: Petition to the Mint Board: 'The Case of Charles Stuart one of the Monyers belonging to Her Majties Mint in the Tower of London'

MINT00147: Holograph notes on building expenses

MINT00197: Report on the assay and valuation of 41 Russian kopecks

MINT00299: 'Proposals for setting a new standard of Plate'

MINT00301: Holograph draft of legislation (to come into effect on an unspecified date in 1711) on the fineness of hallmarked silver

MINT00586: 'Charges of receiving melting and standarding the Plate'

MINT00725: Holograph draft covering letter for an account of tin sales since last Lady Day [probably MINT00724 (Mint 19/3/575)]

MINT00970: Petition of James Clerk and Joseph Cave

MINT00971: Treasury referral of MINT00970
