MINT00670: 'Proposalls for Cutting & Coyning of Copper Half pence and Farthings p[er] the Monyrs'

MINT00671: Holograph memorandum on packing coins for distribution

MINT00672: Memoranda on accounting, checking and packing

MINT00673: Holograph notes on rate of output of copper

MINT02037: Memoranda on accounting, checking and packing

MINT02038: Memoranda on accounting, checking and packing

MINT00975: "Report of the Assays of Spanish Pieces"

MINT00609: Report on a proposal by Charles Tunnah and William Dale to coin 1,000 tons of halfpence and farthings from an artificial metal similar to gold

MINT00080: Petition to succeed his late brother Daniel as assay master, having been his assistant for fifteen years

MINT00452: Reply to his query about the permissible level of wastage in melting

MINT01223: Copy of letter from Hercules Scott to Fauquier enquiring as to the opinion of Newton on earlier letters

MINT01748: Letter from Newton to the Lord High Treasurer concerning the proposal of Charles Hore to be given a 30-year copper coining monopoly

MINT01038: Copy of note referring a comparison of the coins of France and Holland with those of England

MINT01039: Copy of note concerning petitions to succeed Brattle as assay master, and supply of copper to the works at Great Marlow

MINT00605: Response to John Pery's [Perry's] application to coin copper

MINT00606: Draft of MINT00605 (Mint 19/2/306)

MINT01040: Copy of note concerning the weight of 100 pounds of money according to the indenture of the Mint

MINT01950: Drafts of a response to John Perry's application to coin copper (Mint 19/2/306) and a recommendation of Charles Brattell for assay master (Mint 19/1/93)

MINT01951: Draft of MINT00605 (Mint 19/2/306)

MINT01041: Copy of note concerning raising the price of Cornish tin
