MINT00125: 'An Account of the Medals of fine gold made upon the Peace 1713': holograph statement of expenses for 812 medals, with figures for their distribution 16 July to 8 August 1713

MINT00129: Returns an account in which the annual total of £3,500 allowed under the Coinage Acts of 1666 and 1705 for Mint expenditure on fees, salaries, maintenance, repair and equipment has been exceeded

MINT00130: 'Coppy of the Paper delivered to Mr Auditor ffoley relating to the Accompts of the Mint with respect to the £3500.- per annum allowed by Parliament'

MINT00131: Memorandum by Newton specifying the uses to which the money allocated to the Mint by Parliament can be put, breaking it down into specific sums for specific purposes, and stating which Mint officers are responsible for allocating which funds

MINT00132: Holograph draft of MINT00131 (Mint 19/1/334-5)

MINT00133: Another holograph draft of MINT00131 (Mint 19/1/334-5)

MINT00134: Holograph draft of MINT00131 (Mint 19/1/334-5) with minor variations

MINT00146: Holograph list of outgoings with detailed justification of the headings under which they have been entered in the accounts

MINT00320: Holograph draft notice to tax receivers reducing the accepted value of moidores

MINT00454: 'Memoriall Concerning the Mint of Scotland', arguing for a resumption of Scottish coinage, which ceased on 4 August 1710, and an increase in the provision of £1,200 p.a. for the Edinburgh Mint

MINT00455: Holograph copy of MINT00454(b) (Mint 19/3/25)

MINT00627: Holograph draft memorandum on various tenders made in 1713 and 1714

MINT00628: Memoranda on costings for copper coinage

MINT00629: Holograph memorandum on coining from copper bars

MINT00675: Fragmentary holograph note on costs of coining copper

MINT00867: Holograph fragment of report that the informant Henry Smithson has been paid all he is owed

MINT00895: Holograph notes on assaying and refining and the procedure to be followed in assessing trial pieces

MINT00898: Rough holograph notes in Latin on calculating latitudes and longitudes, preceded by a list in English of the requisite mathematical, geographical and astronomical tables

MINT01108: Copy of an indenture of Newton as Master and Worker of the Mint under George I

MINT01878: Holograph draft of MINT00131 (Mint 19/1/334-5) with minor variations
