MINT01073: Copy of a referral of the petition of W. Wood for supplying copper for coinage

MINT01692: Calverney Pinckney informing Newton of the visit of Justice Tracy

MINT00827: Proposal to renovate the smith's house and convert it for use by clerks of the Ordnance

MINT00828: History of the smith's house since 1577 and of disputes between the Mint and the Ordnance Office as to which of them owns it

MINT00829: Further holograph draft of MINT00828 (Mint 19/3/426)

MINT00830: Holograph draft memorandum dating the smith's house back to 1553, i.e. before the creation of the Ordnance Office

MINT00831: Incomplete holograph list of smiths since 1567 and legislation since 1553 granting or confirming the Mint officers' jurisdiction over Mint property

MINT00875: Reply to MINT00874 (Mint 19/1/462-3)

MINT00093: Certificate of Newton's securities given [somewhat belatedly] on 12 May 1719 subsequent to his re-appointment as master [on 1 January 1715]: £2,000 from Newton himself, £1,000 from Francis Hall and £1,000 from John Francis Fauquier

MINT01074: Copy of note concerning payments to Sweden and dispute over the value of imperial dollars

MINT00206: On the value of the Imperial dollar and uncertainty as to whether the term refers to the common dollar or the Rix dollar (Reichsthaler), which is worth more

MINT00224: Holograph notes on design, weight and assay of thirteen mainly German coins 1685-96

MINT00225: Holograph notes on Cologne dollars 1666-83 and ducatoons 1668-75

MINT00226: Notes on German coins

MINT02030: Notes on German coins

MINT02031: Notes on German coins

MINT02032: Notes on German coins

MINT01006: Letter concerning the exchange of currency with Sweden, with an extract from a relevant treaty

MINT01007: Letter concerning the petition of the widow of John Roos

MINT01160: Copy of letter concerning the petition of the widow of John Roos
