Holograph notes on expenditure in 1687-1701, 1705 and 1706

Normalised TextCatalogue Entry


The buildings & incidents 500li the salaries {illeg}30{illeg}00

The buil

upon ye Indenture 2585 The Salaries buildings & incidents of ye Mint 3500li The rest to Ccharges & Incidents of the coynage.
Auditor 84
Moneyers 400
3069 Salaries 3000. Repairs & Incidents of the Mint & Coynage {illeg}500.
Wardens Cl. 40
Mr 20
Buildings 389. 2 Salaries to be upon the Indenture
1498. 2 25275 + 240 + 84 + 101
Incidents 180. 7
1678 {illeg}9
1594 9
Stationer 13. 4
Scalemaker 2. 6
1700 For a year ending at Xtmas 1700.
Wardens salaries1425 Auditors fees44
Masters1175 Wardends 2d Clerk40
Artificers bills395 Bull {illeg}a probationer50
{illeg}2995 Wardens Incidents271. 13. 7
405. 13. 7
1701 For a year ending at Xtmas 1701
Wardens salaries1425 Auditors fees44
Masters1175 Wardens 2d Clerk40
Artificers3040.8 Bull50
2900.8 Incidents324. 16. 7
45{illeg}8: 16. 7
Wardens Salaries1435
Artificers314. 16. 9
2959. 16. 9
Wardens second Clerk40. 0. 0
299{illeg}9. 16. 9
Wardens Salaries1435
Wardens Clerk40
1687 Wardens Salaries of 5qters 1781. 5
M{illeg}asters Salaries for 5qters 1468. 15
Arftificers bills for 5 473. 16. 4
3723. 16. 4
Auditors fee for 5q{illeg}ters 52. 6. 8
SWardens second Clerk 50. 0. 0
Wardens Incidents for 5qters 239. 0. 0
{illeg}341. {illeg}6. 8
1688 Wardens Salaries for a year 1425
Masters Salaries 1175
Artificers bills 398. 19
2998. 19
Auditors fees 44. 0
Wardens 2d Clerk 540.
Wardens Incidents 180. 0
264. 0
16989 for 56 Qters ending Lady day 1691
Wardens Salaries { 1781. {illeg}5
356. 5
Masters Salaries 1737. 10. 14 of Engineers sallary wan{illeg}
Artificers Bills 420. 12. 712
54300. 12. 712
Engineer 50. 100. 00
Auditors fee
Wardens second Clerk 60. 00. 0 } 295. 1
Wardens incidents 3235. 1. 0

The Incidents in the Wardens Acct amount to 150li. out of wch if the Stioners {sic} & Scalemakers & stonecutters bills be deduced, the remain{illeg}der is 153li. 4s. Which with the two former summs amount to 3483. 19. 6.