In the following Table the first column of numbers conteins the assay, the second the weight of moneys unworn the third the standard weight & the fourth the value after the rate of 5s gr 2d ꝑ oz of silver & 4£ pr oz of gold.
The Guilder piece of Holland | w. 22wt | 1.0.{illeg}6 7. | |
Ducaton of Holland | B. 3 | 1.0.21 |
Rixdoller orPatagon, Legg Doller or Rix Dolleror Rix Doller of Holland | w. 14 | 0.18. 0 |
Ducaton of Flanders | B. 4 | 1.0.22 |
Rixdoller or Ecu of France Patagon. or Rixdoller of Flanders | w. 12 | 0.18.1 |
Rix Dollers of the present & two last Emperors | w. 10 | 0.18.9 |
Rix Dollers of Ferdinand Archduke of Austria | w. 10 | 0.18.4 |
Rix Doller of Hamborough | |
Rix Doller of Franckford | | 0.18.9 |
Rix Doller of Dantzick | w. 11 | 0.18.7 |
Rix Doller of Thorn near Dantzick | w. 12 | 0.18.8 |
Rix Doller of Lubec | | 0.18.16 |
Rix Dollers of Sigismund III & Vladislaus IIII kings of Poland | w. 11 | 0.18.9 |
Rix Doller of the Duke of Brandenburg | | 0.18.13 |
Rix Doller of Br Nuremberg | 0.18.{illeg}10 |
Rix Doller of Basil in Switzerland | 0.18.18 |
Rix DOller of Zurick in Switzerland | 0.18.1 |
Rix Doller of Leipsic | |
Rix Doller of Mentz | 0.18.8 |
Rix Doller of the Duk of Bruns & Lunenburg | 0.18.17 |
Rix Doller of Hannover | 0.18.13 |
Rix Doller of Bavaria | |
Eight Mark piece of Swedeland |
Four Mark pieces of Danemark | w. 3oz. {illeg}1dr | 0.14.8 | 10.1707 | 2s. 8d. 47:4 cents |
Another | w. 1. 1 | 0.11.13 | 10.17. | 2.8.30 |
Ecu of France | w. 0. 1 | 0.17.12 | |
Crusado or Croisal of Genua | B. 0. 7 | 1.4.135 |
Ducat or Ducaton of Florence & Leghorn | B. 0. 8 | 1.0.4 |
Ducat of Uenice | w. 1. 3 | 0.14.14 |
Teston of the Pope | |
Crusado of Portugal | w. 0. 1 | 0. 11. 4 |
x Sixty shillings piece of Scotlan | |
Old Piece of 8 of Sevil | w. 0. 2 | 0.17.10 | The pieces of 8 especially those of Peru are uncertain in their weight & finenes, but may are be usually recconed one wth another worth 4s 6d a piece. |
Old Piece of 8 of Peru worse 12dwt | w. 0. 3 | 0.17.14 |
Piece of 8 of Mexico | w. 0. 2 | 10.17.12 |
Pillar piece of 8 | B. 0. 1 | 0.17.16 |
Other New four Mark pieces of Danemark | W 1.{illeg}4 .0 | 0.11.13 | |
Rix doller of Magdeburg | | 0.18.13 |
The Holland Ducat | B. 1. 21 | 2. 5 | |
The Hungary Ducat | B. 1.{illeg} | 2. 5 |
x The Ducat of the present Emperor Leopold by one assay | B. 1. {illeg} | 2.5 | 2.9.3. | 9.s 6.3 |
The Ducat of the Bishop of Bameberg | B | 2. 5 | |
The Ducat of the king of Poland current at Dantzic | B. 1. 2 1 2 | 2.5 |
The Ducat of the CityKempen in the BishopricCampen in Holland | B. 1. 2 | 2. 5 |
The Sequin of U of Colen | |
The double Ducat of the Duke of Heanover | | 4. 10 |
The Pistole{illeg} Lewidor | w. 0. 0 | 4. 8 | 4.7{illeg} 8 | 17s. 2d |
The Sequin of Venice | B. 1. 3 | 2. 5 | |
The Ducat of Italy coynd by the Pope | |
The Moeda of Portugal | sta | 3. 10 |
Ducat of Danemark | B. 1. 2 | 2. 5 |
Ducat of ye Duke of Brandenburg. | |