Table of gold and silver coined 1696-1717

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An aAccount of the Gold & Silver moneys coyned by Mr Neale in the four years between Michaelmas 16{illeg}95 & Christmas 16959 ending at Christmas1699 {sic}.

Silver money Lwtozdwtgr
At London 1642297.2.12.14.
York — 99608.4.15.9
Bristol — 147759.6.2.22
Exeter — 147923.8.18.20
Chester — 102360.4.16.3
Norwich — 83849.6.0.11

The summ todawhole weight after the rate of 3li. 2s. 0d per to the po{illeg}und weight Troy, am{illeg}onts unto 6,893776li. 4s. 1d12. in Talke. And the Gold coined in the same time was by weight 19595Lwt. 8oz, wch at 4412 Guineas to the pound weight Troy amounts unto 872007 Guineas. The Gold moneys coyned in the same years amounted to about 23223Lwt. 2oz. 10dwt 19gr 23000 19595{illeg}0.0 wch after the rate of 4412 Guineas to the pound weight Troy amounts unto 1021821872007 Guineas in tale.

An Account of the Gold & silver moneys coyned yearly from Christmas 1699 to Christmas 17{illeg}17.

Years. Gold moneys Silver moneys
Lwtozdwtgr Lwtozdwtgr
{illeg}1700 2705.4.14.11 4805.10.6.16 The totalAll the {illeg}Gold monies coined in
these eighteen years
asfter the rate of {illeg}4412
Guineas to ye pound weight Troy, & 62 shillings
to the pound weight of
of Gold
Troy silver amounts unto
7762783 Guineas; &
all the silver moneys after
the rate of {illeg}3li 2s to
the pound weight Tory
amounts unto 354459li. 3s. 9d
1701 26742.0.0.0 {illeg}37477.0.0.0
1702 3642.0.0.0
1703 718.0.0.0
1704 4007.0.0.0
1705 429.7.15.0
1706 537.0.0.0 932.0.0.0
1707 607.0.0.0 1174.0.0.0
1708 1010.0.0.0 3751.0.0.0
1709 2468.0.0.0 25423.0.0.0
1710 3716.0.0.0 817.0.0.0
1711 9324.0.0.0 24768.0.0.0
1712 2855.0.0.0 1784.8.0.0
1713 13137.0.0.0 2333.0.0.0
1714 29526.0.0.0 1566.0.0.0
1715 39090.0.0.0 1643.{illeg}0.0.0
1716 23765.0.0.0 1650.0.0.0
1717 15186.0.0.0 948.0.0.0
174444.6.14.11 114341.8.1.16

Mint Office Ian. 20. 17178

Is. Newton