Report on gold from the West Indies brought to the Mint by the South Sea Company

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The Southsea Compy have lately rec.d from their Agents in the West Ind.s 6 or 7 parcels of Gold, wch they intend to have Coyn'd: and accordingly have imported 2 parcels, & have part of a 3d. parcel now in ye Assay office, ready to be weigh'd.

Vpon a view of ye af. parcel I inspectedsuspected the Gold —& when all ye Ingots were assayd, I causd 4 to be ret.d. to ye Compy. to be refin'd. In a 2d. parcel I found 7 wch I suspectedinspected to be of a bad mixture; & therefore orderd Mr. Whitaire to acquaint Mr. Utbert, the Comps. Agent, & Mr. Blatchford, their Refiner, that those 7 suspect.d Ingots should be taken back & refind, unles they wou'd indemnify ye Office. They both gave Mr. Whitaire strong assurances that there was no bad mixture in them, upon which they were all taken in, before I had heard their answer. Whereupon I caution'd Mr. Vanderesh not to sett them out for melting, Intend.g to apprize You of ye Affaire, <108v> that ye sd Suspected Ingots might be further exam'd. before their delivery to ye Melter. A timely caution being necessary to make us safe, for the future.

I have taken all the Care I cou'd in examining what has already been assayd, at ye Cutting, hammering, sheering, appearance on the Copples, & after nealing: but because ys may'nt be sufficient, I would further propose that all the suspected Ingotts be broke in yryr presence, the Comps. Refiner & Agent attendg., & also yryr Melter, when We may be better assur'd of the Nature of the Mass by a careful inspect.n of the breaches, than we can be, by an Assay taken off at one Corner.

The Comps. Agent & Refiner prest the admittance of ye Gold now in ye assay office: but I conceive it altogether reasonable that the office in genl. & the Matter in particular shoud be safe, & indemnifyd. Howeve the whole is submitted to Your consideratn. that this affair may be settled upon a good foot to secure us for the future. If you please to Appoint to morrow being Wensday, or thursday morning, I will attend in my place

I am Hond Sr.

yr. most Obedt. H. Servt

H. Haynes

Tuesday 6. Septbr. 1726