Covering letter forwarding the following tenders
Enclosed I send You by the Commands of the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury the several Proposals for supplying his Majesties Mint with British Copper for the Coyning of Farthings and halfe pence delivered in to their Lops pursuant to his Mats. pleasure signified by their Lordps in that behalfe in the Gazette the thirtieth of April last, Their Lordps direct You to consider the same and Report Your Opinion upon the said Proposicons and upon all other matters relating to the Furnishing the Copper and the making of the Farthings and halfe pence intended I am
Your most humble Servt:
C Stanhope
Officers Mint
MINT 19/2/366, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK[20] July 1717, c. 114 words.