Certificate exempting Christopher Priddeth, by virtue of his position as Mint clerk, from civic duties and taxation
To all Mayors Sheriffs Aldermen, Commissioners, Iustices of the peace, Constables, Headboroughs, Press-masters & other his Maties Officers whom these may concerne.
Whereas by Ancient Charters ofrom the Crown & confirmed by his present Matie as by several his Progenitors & Predecessors Kings & Queens of England It hath been {illeg}and is granted unto the Wardens of the Exchanges Monyers Workmen & other Ministers of his Maties Mint deputed unto those things wch concern the said Office That they & every of them are & shall be freed & discharged from being put into any Assizes, Iuries, Inquests or Attaints although the same should touch his Maties or his Heires & that none of them against his will should be Mayor Sherriff Bayliffe Escheator Constable Collector Inquisitor or Assessor of Tenths Fifteents Subsidies Talliages Aides or other Impositions nor beare any other Office nor service whatsoever. And that they & every of them should be quit & discharged forever in the City of London & all other Cities Towns & places where they do inhabit & where their estates do lye of all Assessments Taxations Talliages Aids Loanes Contributions Fifteent{illeg}hs Tenths Subsidies & other Impositions whatsoever & every part thereof to the Kings use Matyie his Heires & Successors by the Commonalty of the Realme of England & otherwise granted & to be granted And likewise from all Imprests Suits Actions Arrests Attaints &c And that all Pleas and complaints (pleas of Freehold & of the Crown only excepted) should be adjudged before the Warden of his Maties Mint And that they or any of them should not be molested distreined or otherwise grieved in their Lands Tenements Rents Goods or Chattels but should have their due allowance a{illeg}nd discharge thereof before the Treasurer & Barons of the Exchequer. And whereas in the Terme of St Michael in the two & thirtith {sic} year of the Raign of King Charles the second upon an hearing before the Barons of the Exchequer It was in pursuance to the said Charters ordered that the Collectors of Taxes granted by Parliament or otherwise do upon certificate under the hand & seale of the Warden of his Maties Mint forbeare to make any distress upon their estates goods or chattels or upon their Tenements in any City Town or place where the same do lye but shall return them with the summs assessed u{illeg}pon them insuper with upon the accounts of the said Collectors Now I Isaac Newton Es Warden of his Maties Mint within the Tower of London do hereby certify that Christopher Priddeth of the Parish of St Leonards Shoreditch is one of my Clerks belonging to his Maties sd Mint, and that he ought to enjoy the Privileges & Immunities before mentioned & all other Privileges that may of right belong appertein unt{illeg}o him by vertue of the said Charters that he may be free to give his constant attendance unto the service of his Maties said Mint. In witness whereof I have caused the seale of the said Office to be affixed unto these presents Given under my hand at the Mint within the Tower of London this day of in the yeare of the raign of or soveraign Lord King William by the Grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland Defender of the Faith &c Anno Dni 1696
Covers both fos. 404v and 405r.
MINT 19/3/404-5, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK1696 [day and month left blank], but after 13 April, c. 567 words.