Letter concerning a potential raise to the salaries of the clerks of the Mint

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To the Rt Honble the Lords Commissioners of his Maties Treasury.

May it please your Lordps

The Salaries of the Clerks of the Mint, which were setled about sixty years ago, being now not sufficient for their maintenance, we humbly pray that {illeg}they may be augmented by about a quarter; so that the salaries of the Warden's Clerk, the Masters three Clerks, & of the Comptrollers Clerk, wch. are forty pounds per an each, may become fifty pounds each; & that those of the Assaymasters Clerk & of the Purveyer to the Mint wch. are twenty pounds each per ann, may become twenty & five pounds each; & those of the Clerk of the Weigher & Teller & of the Clerk of the Surveyor of the meltings wch. are ten pounds each per ann may become twelve pounds ten shillings each. All which is most humbly submitted to yor Lordps. great wisdome.

Mint Office.
Iune 26th 1722.

Isaac Newton

Martin Bladen


<text in Unknown Hand begins>From the Master Worker & Comptoller of the Mint

19th Iuly 1722

Agreed to

Warrt signd

8th. Augt 1722