James Jenkins: The Information of James Jenkins of the parish of St Clements Danes in the county of Middlesex Watchmaker 9 July 1698

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The Informaīon of Iames Ienjins of the parish of St Clements Danes in the county of Middx Watch Maker taken upon Oath this 9th day of Iuly Anno Dni 1698

Who saith that having some notice given him yt a chest wch. belongd. to one Fernadndo Croudson (now a prisoner in Newgate) were at ye house of one Mr pitfall who is likewise a prisoner in Newgate, + this Informt yesterd searching ye house of the said Mr. pithall found in a Chest there in sevll counterfeit shills now produced an a pocket book which appeares by the said pockt book found there as to be the said Mr. Croudson's

Iames Ienkins





Iurat die et anno preedict
coram Is Newton