Mary Ragg (with Richard Read): The Examination of Mary Ragg of St James Market widow and others 4 March 1698/9

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The Examinacon of Mary Ragg of St. Iames markt. widdow and others taken upon Oath this 4 march 16989

Mary Ragg saith that on the 3d instant Iohn Purcell + Saml. Steward came to their Shop on pretence on pretence {sic} to buy a pair of stockings and did produce a good half Ginea {sic} but after it was weighed and approved he changed it + put a counterfeit one upon her said and there was two more false 12 Gineas {sic} found dropt in the Shop with a brush propper for his Trade supposed to be dropt by the Prisoners

Mary Ragg

Richard Read Chandler of St. Iames saith that Samuel Steward abovesaid on the 2d March 98 did put off a false 12 Ginea {sic} to him





Iurat 4°. die Mariÿ 16989
coram me
          Iohn Tullie