Inventory of Engines Instruments and other things found and Seized in the dwelling house of Joseph Horton 17 October 1699

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A Schedule or Inventory of Engins Instrum.ts and other things found and Seized in ye dwelling house of Joseph Horton now of ye Citty of Chester and late of the Citty of Londo Goldsmith on Munday & Tuesday ye & dayes of October 1699 (over and besides the Engine and or Press found in the Cisten in ye Court Yard of the Same house.)

A Dale Box directed to Mr Joseph Horton in Chester and Containing Seaven peices of burnisht brass als Yellow Lattice. A Strong Square Frame of Iron abt 15. Inches Long & about 12. Inches broad A Counterfeit Crown peice Two Ingotts of Silver weighing 30.oz 15.dwt A Wooden frame Two Iron Wheels, & two Wooden Wheels A Cross Fly of Iron with Leaden Knobbs. A Wooden Roller A Soder Skellett of Iron Eight Blew Melting Potts 2. P of large Tongs & 1 P Small Tongs 6. Iron pin̄s one Iron ladle 6. Lumps of Melted Brass.

Jonathan Wrenchall and Nathaniel Selby Constables of Trinity Ward in ye Citty of Chester Severally deposd , yt in ye last night & in ye Morning of this present day they found & Seized ye Severall Engines Instrum.ts and other things in the above written Schedule or Inventory ꝑticularly Mentioned in ye dwelling house of ye above named Joseph Horton.                                         Jonathan Wrenchall                                         Nathan:l Selby

Capt et jurat die et ano prima Suprad. coram           W.m Bennett Mayor           John Williams.           Vera Copia                               Exami ꝑ Roger Comberbach Cler pacis &c.t