Declaration that Edward Carter, a waterman and servant to the Mint, is exempt from parish duties

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These are to certify that the bearer of hereof Edward Carter is Waterman & Servant to the Mint & one of that corporation & on that account is exempted from all Parrochial Services by the Charters of the Mint that he may attend her Majestitis {sic} serice {sic} therein. These Charters b{illeg} These Charters bein And as these Charters have hather are & have been constanly allowed whenever whenever there has been occasion in such cases {illeg} & privileges are of auncient standing in such cases of this nature Charters are of ancient standing are of ancient standing & have ever been allowed & were granted in our Charters for enabling the Officers & Ministers of her Majts Mint to carry on {illeg} perform their duties without interruption & to carry on the coinage wth dispatch & are of very ancient standing &in cases of this nature have ever been allowed; for the publick service, so {sic} {illeg}& their services are not wanted in their respective Parishes, there being great choise of other people to perform parish duties: s & so tis hoped that her Majesties Officers in all other stations will have that regard to her Majesties government & to the rights of the Crown as not & services under it as not to give her Office of ye Mint any trouble in this matter. For if the constitution of the Mint be {illeg} disturbed in this case, we shall our servants will we {illeg}ill our service will {sic} the people imployed in the coinage will soon become liable to be taken from ourthe service at such times as we {illeg}cannot spare them without putting a stop to the coinage till we can get others capable of serving in their room. For if any one {illeg} part Which W I {illeg} For if the coinage be stopt in any one part thereof it must stand still in every part till it can be pu to the dammage of the crown Merchant & the disabling of ye Master & Worker to perform his contract wth her Majesty. & the And hereof all her Majtis Iustices of the peace & all other her Officers herein concerned are desired to take notice

Is. Newton Master & Worker of her Majtsies Mint.