Variant draft of MINT00461 (Mint 19/1/378)
And whereas by the aforesaid Act made in the seventh year of the reign of her late Maty the Lord Treasurer of great Britain & Vnder Treasurer, or Commissioners of the Treasury or any three or more of the said Commissioners for the time being, were authorized by order or Warrants to issue out of the Exchequer or dispose of the moneys arizsing by the Coinage Duties therein granted yearly & every year during the said Act & no longer such summ as he or they should think necessary & reasonable not exceeding in the whole the summ of twelve hundred pounds f{illeg}or the fees & salaries of the Officers of the Mint or Mints in Scotland & towards the providing maintaining & repairing the houses offices & buildings & other necessaries for assaying melting down & coining in the said Mints of Scotland, but no sufficient provision was then made for defraying the charge of coinage: Be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that all the moneys arising by this present Act within his Mats Dominions of south Britain shall be issued by Order or Warrants as atbove int{illeg}o the Exchequer of his Mats Mint within the Tower of London for the use & service of that Mint as formerly, & all the moneys arising by this Act within{illeg} his Mats dominions of n{illeg}orth Britain shal{illeg}l by the like Order or Warrants be issued into the Exchequer of his Mats Mint in North Britain for the use & service of the same Mint, & that the Lord Treasurer & Chancellour of the Exchequer for the time being or the Commissioners of the Treary or any three or more of them for the time being be authorized to issue out of the Excher by Order or Warrants or dispose of by Order {illeg}or Warrants such further summ arising out of any publick Fund or Funds given or that shall hereafter be given by Act of Parliament, as he or they shall think necessary & reasonable for the support & maintenance of the said Mint in North Britain & for the defraying the charge of coinage therein, the whosle moneys issued into the said Mint not exceeding the summ of hundred pounds in any one year & the whole moneys issuded into both mints not exceeding the summ of fifteen thousand pounds in the same yeare as above.
And it is hereby further enacted that there shall not be allowed in any one year above the summ of hundred pounds sterling for the fees & salaries of the Officers of Mthe said Mint in North Britain & for the fees of r{illeg}eceiving the moneys aforesaid & the charges of passing the Accounts thereof, & towards the providing maintaining & reparing the houses offices & buildings & other standing necessaries for assaying melting down & coining & that the {illeg}overplus of the moneys issued into the said Mint as above shall be for & towardsthe expence wast o& charge of assaying melting down & coining including the charge of utensils & furnagces imployed for performing the same, & that of keeping the scales & weights exact for receiving assaying sizing & delivering the bullion & <313v> new moneys, & that of stationary where for keeping the Accounts.
The enacting clause wch continues {illeg}till the former Acts may be restrained to the Mint or Mints in England by {illeg} inserting the words [relatinwith relation to the Mint or Mints in South BritainEngland] or some such words. And then may be added the following clause.
And whereas by the Act of Vnion made in the sixt year of the reign of {sic} of Queen Ann, a Mint is to be continued in Scotland under the same Rules as the Mind in England bBe it further enacted that all the moneys arising by this Act within in England by this Act shall be paid int issued out of {illeg}o the Exchquer of the MinExcheyquyor Mats Exchequer to the Master & Worker or Masters & Workers of yor Mats Mint or Mints in England by such oOrder or Warrants as {illeg}before the Vnion of the two kingdoms & that all the moneys arising {illeg} in Scotland by this Act shall be applie issued out of yor Mats Mint or Mints at in Scotland by the like Order or Warrants: & that there shall not be issued in any one year out of the Exchequer of the said Moneys in Scotland in any one year for the fees & salaries of the Officers of the Mint or Mints in Scotland & towards the providing taining {sic} to be kept in his Mats Office of Receipt in the said Mint or Mints under the usual keys of the Master & worker Warden & Counter Warden or Comptroller for the time being & issued out then from time to time according to the manner & course of his Mats Mints & that there shall not be issued out from thence in any one year for the fees & salaries of the Officers of the said Mint or Mints & for fees in receiving the moneys or the Accounts of the same & towards the providing maintaining & {sic} & repairing of the houses Offices & Buildings & other {illeg} mainstandingthings necessarieys for to the said Mint for assaying melting down & coining above the summ of hundred pounds sterling moneys, & the overplus of the said moneys so kept or to be {illeg}kept as aforesaid shall be employed for & towards the expence wast & charge of assaying melting down & coining c{illeg}oinage & (including the charge of Vtensils & furnaces for performing the same {illeg}& that of amending & keeping the Scales & Weights toBallances to point Ballances & Weights to point for receiving assaying sizing & delivering {illeg}the Bullion & new moneys & that of Stationary ware for keeping the Accounts) & that offor buying in for & towards the buying in of gold & silver to coyin, & not otherwise.
And whereas the moneys arising by this Act have been found insufficient for defraying the charges of both the said Mints & defrayingbBe it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that it shall & ma the Lord Treasurer over & above the said m{illeg}oneys {illeg} arising by this Act it shall & may be lawfull to & for the Lord Treasurer of great Britain & uVnder Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury or any three or m{illeg}ore of the said Commrs for the time being by Order or Warrants to issue out of the Exchequer [or dispose of the moneys arising from any publick fund or funds given or wch shall be given by Act of Parliamentby in]{illeg} yearly & every year {illeg}from & after the commencement & during the continuance of this Act & no longer such summs or summs of money as he or they shall think necessary & reasonable not &; as together with the said Coinage Duty shall not in any one year exceeding in the whole to his Mats Mint in Scotland together with the said Coinage Duty in any one year the summ of hundred pounds sterling to & for the use & service of his Mats Mint in Scotland, nor the summ of thousand pound sterling to & for both the uses & services of both the aforesaid Mints, together for the fin any one year & mentioning in the sd Order or Warrants that {sic} that they are for the use & service of the Mint to wch they are issued, to be kept in the Office of R together wth the said Coinage Moneys in the Office of Receipt of the said Mint & issued out thence from time to tim{illeg}e according in the same manner & for the same uses with the sd Coynage moneys given continued {illeg}by this Act, any thing in any Law Statute or usage to contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
MINT 19/3/213-14, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK1715, c. 1,326 words.