Royal warrant to the Lieutenant of the Tower
Haveing been informed, That there still diverse persons, inhabiting within Our Mint, that doe not belong unto the same, nor are any wages usefull to Our service there, Notwithstanding severall Expresse Orders directed unto you as well as unto the officers of Our Mint Commanding the Contrary, And being Resolved, That all Our Gold and Silver Monies shall for the future be Coyned by the way of the Mill or Press, Our Will and Pleasure is, and wee doe hereby Command and authorize you, without any further delay speedily to remove all such persons with their Children and families as doe Inhabite between the two Gates of our Mint or have not imediate Relation thereunto acording to such prebenture Notice and Information therein as you shall receive from the officers of our Mint, And wee hereby further require and Command you upon sight hereof to cause the widdow and Children of one David Ramage died a Monyer (who as wee are informed have obstructed Our service and been very obstinate) to be removed out of our said Mint that such officers workmen and others as shall be imployed in the new way of Coyning may be speedily accomodated with duelling houses shopps and Roomes so worke in, And for soe doeing this shall be your warrant, Given at <422v> Our Court at Whitehall the 5th day of November in the Fourtof our Reigne, one thousand Six hundred Sixty two
By his Majestys Command
Henry Bennet.
To Sir John Robinson Knight and Baronet Lieutenant of our Tower of London.
MINT 19/3/422, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK5 November 1662, c. 262 words.