"An Accompt of the Ballance of Mr Neale's Accompt repaid into the Exchequer and imprest to Mr Newton"

Diplomatic TextCatalogue Entry


An Accompt of the Ballance of Mr Neales Accompt repaid into the Exchequer & imprest to Mr Newton

The said Ballance of Mr Neale's Accompt 2158.6.312
Paid out of the same to the Provost's house 167.0.0
Paid more to Mr Weddels Salary till Michaelmas 105.0.0
Remainder 1886.6.312
Paid the last year to Mr Fendal for silver
imported into Norwich Mint
} 1277.16.3
Paid more to Mr Birdiken Warden of Exeter
} –76.00.00
Paid this year to Mr Walford Master & Worker of
Exeter Mint
} 190.00.00
Paid more to Mr Leeke Melter of Bristol
} 223.07.06.
Summ 1767.03.09
Remainder 118.02.0612