Memorial of Craven Peyton concerning the allowances and charges of Robert Weddell
To the most Honourable the Earle of Oxford & Mortimer
Lord High Treasurer of Great Brittaine
The humble Memorial of Craven Peyton Esquire
Warden of her Majesties Mint.
That there being due from the 1t of Iune 1710 to Christmas 1711 to Mr Robert Weddell deceased (the said Wardens Deputed Clerk) for Allowances and Charges in prosecuting of Counterfeiters of the Currant Coynes of this Realm and of others for uttering of false Money the summe of four hundred sixty seven Pounds fifteen shillings and two Pence as by four Bills Examined and hereunto annexed may appear.
And that 400li per Annum of the Coynage Duty being applicable to discharge the Expences of Officers imployed in such Prosecutions your Lordships Direction for payment out of the same the summe of 467li: 15s: 2d. above mentioned to Mris Martha Weddel Widdow and Executrix of the said Mr Weddell is humbly desired and submitted to your Lordship's great Wisdome
Crav: Peyton
Mint Office
April 16th 1712
<107v><text in Unknown Hand begins>Executors of Mr Weddell Will sign'd 9th Iuly 1713 The Bills sent to the Exchequer
To officers of the Mint
T 1/159.19a, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK16 Apr 1712, c. 186 words.