Copy of note concerning the proposal of Sir Lambert Blackwell and Edward Gibbon

Diplomatic TextCatalogue Entry




Sir Lambert Blackwell knight & Edwd Gibbon Esqr. having in the Years 1710 & 1711 Advanced 60'000l for the Service of her late Majesty there was delivered to their Order at hambrough 960 Tuns of Tynn for Securing the repayment of the Same which said Summ being now near repaid they have by their Memoriall to the Lords Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury proposed to be Accountable for any part of the said Tinn which their Lordships shall Order them to dispose of at the rate of 4l per cwt and in the same manner as Mr Beranger is Obliged by Contract with the late Lord Treasurer I am Commanded by their Lordships to Transmitt the said Memorial to You for Your Consideration particularly with respect to the price the said Tynn should be sold for. I am &c 13 Novr. 1714

Io: Taylour


Officers of the Mint about Sir Lambert Blackwells proposall