Dorothy Tompson: The Deposition of Dorothy Tompson of Kings Street near Golden Square in St James's parish 3 September 1698
The Deposition of Dorathy Tompson of Kings street near Golden square in St. James's parish 3d 7ber 1698
She sayth that about 5 or 6 years ago she saw John Hickes of Chelsea and his daughter Mary Huett clip the Current Coyn of this Kingdom at Colehorne between Chelsea and Kensington and that she hath also about five years ago seen mr. John Gibbons in company with Mary Townsend the daughter of Mr Edward Ivie and that the said John Gibbons gave to the said mary two Guineas and in giving them whispered to her She sayth also that she hath carryed Clippings of the Current Coyn of this Kingdom from the said Mr. Edwd Ivie to one Jacob of Sho Lane in Holborn a reputed Silver smith about 5 or 6 years ago
Dorathy Thomas
MINT 15/17/55, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK3 Sep 1698, c. 144 words.