Copy of John Hillard's affidavit offered to prove the has no right to oversee the Master's melting
John Hillard of London goldesmythe of thage of Lvj yeares or theare about Saithe that in the tyme of kinge Henry the viijth before the tyme of the base moneyes when Sterlinge moneyes were coyned Martin Bowes then beinge master of the mynte within the tower of London and John Browne warden of the same mynte he the saide John Hillard beinge then servante to master Frinde fyner did diuerse tymes bringe bullyon of his masters to the same mynte by meanes wherof he was diuerse tymes aswell in the Receipte as in the meltinge and fyninge house where he sawe the saide master & warden execute theire seuerall offices viz some tymes he sawe the master receive the bullyon of the Subiecte some tymes he sawe him charge the potte downe to meltinge and howe he deliuered the bullyon to the melters to be molten & caste owte into Ingotts which they made into moneyes brought upp and deluered to the master in seuerall Journeyes in trayes whereas the warden tooke of euery traye or Journeye one pounde weight or more as pleased him and tryed them & findinge them good pixed them and yf he founde some to light and some to heavye he mingled one Journey with a nother to gether and findinge them to gethers good he pixed them and then the master deliuered the reste to the Subiethe And these things as somthinge the masters and wardens office the saide John Hillard hathe diuerse tymes seene don But that the saide warden had any thinge to doe in the meltinge herofe at any tyme in any maner wise that he new same nor haude tall of / All which to be trewe the saide hillard is reddye to iustefye uppon his oathe. Jn witnesse wehereof the saide Hillard hathe set to his hande xvj th daye of August. Ao 1575
By me John hillard
Subcribed in the presence of Symon wrenche Scriuener
MINT 19/1/40, National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, UK16 August 1575, c. 326 words.