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Preparatory notes and calculations concerning Dutch trade and English customs on it for MINT00720 (Mint 19/3/498-9)

Diplomatic TextCatalogue Entry


An Accompt of the costs & charges of sending Tynn by the English Merchants or Pewterers to their correspondents in Holland.

   The first cost, Customes, Coquets boat-hire searchers fees & wharfage come to 3£ 19s 6d per cwt Averdupois (as in the other Account ) that is to 41 Gilders 12 styvers per 100 Dutch weight}41.G 12st
   Customs, Additional Duty & Valuation at Amsterdam, about 1.  556
Cocquets & Custome-house fees, about 0.  012
   Boat-hire, Lighterage, Porterage & housing at Amsterdam 4 styvers per block or about 113 st per 100wt} 0.  113
   Freight 6, 8, 10, or 12 styvers per block & sometimes nothing. At a medium (including Averidge) 9 or 10 styvers per block or 313 per 100 wt} 0.  313
    Factorage 6d or 6 st 0.  6
    Commission 0.  9
43. 18
    Hazzards or losses at sea & in returns of money are uncertain. The Merchants do not insure. In times of peace the hazzards are less. If this Article be recconed at about 1 per cent or 9 stivers pr 100 wt the whole Account will amount unto about 44G. 7st