MINT00008: Appointment of Hannah Briggs as keeper of the officers' diet

MINT00349: Similar but less elaborate printed reckoner for bullion values, without the compiler's name

MINT00487: 'The Produce of the Revenue of Ireland in Quarters'

MINT00739: Clerical copies of Earl Marshal's warrants, dated 13 June 1689 and 12 September 1691, prescribing design of silver coin

MINT00523: 'An Accompt of Gold and Silver Monies Coyned in the Reigns of their severall Majesties successively in their Mynt within the Tower of London from the year 1659: to the 31th of December 1691: Included'

MINT00835: Copy of Privy Seal renewing warrants granting the personal property of coinage offenders to the Mint warden, and authorising the disposal of their real estate by the Treasury for rewards to informers

MINT00014: Royal warrant allocating the division of 14d. poundage between the Mint officers and moneyers, and fixing the formers' salaries

MINT00812: Clerical copy of MINT00811 (Mint 19/3/405) with emendations by Newton and name left blank

MINT00836: Privy Seal renewing the warrants set out in MINT00835 (Mint 19/1/428-9)

MINT00838: 'Reasons why the Bayliffes of Westminster [...] ought not to Claime the goods of Traytors and Felons, nor the Tooles Clippings &c. seized upon Clippers and False Coiners'

MINT00101: Draft contract between master and melter, setting out the melter's duties, responsibilities, salary and commission

MINT00150: Clerical copies of various documents (juries' verdicts, officers' receipts, assorted memoranda) relating to the trial plates of 1605 and 1660

MINT00208: Extract from [Rice] Vaughan's Coin and Coinage [1615] on French currency changes 1417-23

MINT00810: Draft report: 'An accompt of what belongs to the Warden of his Mties Mint within the Tower of London', listing the buildings regarded as the warden's property and those that used to be regarded as such

MINT00017: Petition to Treasury: 'The humble Memoriall of Ionathan Ambrose Melter to his Majties Mint in the Tower'

MINT00018: Response to MINT00017 (Mint 19/1/198-9).

MINT00019: Another clerical copy of MINT00018 (Mint 19/1/194)

MINT01725: Receipts: Hammered silver money paid & rec'd from the Mint by the Receiver General & Cashier of Customs

MINT00927: Letter concerning the petitions of Peter Floyer and Charles Shales

MINT00800: Copies of English and Latin warrants and other records dating back to the reign of Richard I relating to the appointment, oaths, duties, privileges and powers of lieutenants, chief porters and wardens of the Tower