MINT01620: John Green and Elizabeth Green: The Examination of John Green and Elizabeth his wife 4 June 1702

MINT01621: Arthur Hutchinson: Untitled, 4 June 1702

MINT01622: George Warriner: Untitled, 4 June 1702

MINT01623: Henry Smithson: The Deposition of Henry Smithson 9 June 1702

MINT01624: Richard Warwick: The Examination of Richard Warwick 10 June 1702

MINT01625: Edward Gare: Untitled, 10 June 1702

MINT01626: Elizabeth Gare: The Examination of Elizabeth the wife of Edward Gare 10 June 1702

MINT01627: Richard Warwick: The further Examination of Richard Warwick 10 June 1702

MINT01628: William Bowes: William Bowes's Letter to the Lord High Treasurer 15 June 1702

MINT01586: Elizabeth Steers: The Information of Elizabeth Wife of Cornelius Steers 23 June 1702

MINT01587: Ann Raymond: The Information of Ann Raymond 23 June 1702

MINT01588: Joan Almy: The Information of Joan Almy servant to Philip Whiteman 24 June 1702

MINT01629: James Blades: The Examination of James Blades 11 July 1702

MINT01589: John Gall: The Information of John Gall 18 July 1702

MINT01590: Martha Sucklife: The Information of Martha Sucklife aka Tanner 20 July 1702

MINT01591: Mary Smith: The Information of Mary Smith wife of Charles Smith 20 July 1702

MINT01592: Frettiefarmus Barker: The Information of Frettiefarmus Barker 27 July 1702

MINT01593: John Stanhop: The Information of John Stanhop 31 July 1702

MINT00857: Response to a petition from Anthony Redhead [former master of the Norwich Mint] against unjust and over-long imprisonment

MINT01594: Ceciliah Labree: The Examination of Ceciliah (Cecilia, Sicily) Labree 10 August 1702