MINT00864: Holograph draft and partial draft of MINT00863 (Mint 19/1/468)

MINT00867: Holograph fragment of report that the informant Henry Smithson has been paid all he is owed

MINT01048: Copy of note to the Officers of the Mint referring representations from various Bristolians concerning fraud impacting the revenue arising from tin

MINT01049: Copy of note to the agents for tin in Cornwall referring representations from various Bristolians concerning fraud impacting the revenue arising from tin

MINT01140: Copy of a note to the Mint notifying them of a claim regarding a potential discovery of false coining

MINT01050: Copy of note accompanying the memorial of Henry Smithson relation to prosecutions of coiners

MINT01143: Copy of notes accompanying memorials of Henry Smithson

MINT01144: Copy of the first memorial of Henry Smithson

MINT01145: Copy of the second memorial of Henry Smithson

MINT01141: Copy of a plea from "P. B." for a pardon in exchange for information about counterfeiting

MINT01146: Copy of response to the memorials of Henry Smithson, with an account of a meeting with John Thompson

MINT01142: Copy of letter from "P. B." concerning his appeal for a pardon

MINT00881: 'Reasons humbly offered to his Sacred Matie & the Councill, for making an act of Parliament, to prevent the Counterfitting of the Coin, by Ioseph Aickin Clark'

MINT00987: Petition of Richard Barrow

MINT00988: Treasury referral of the petition of Richard Barrow

MINT00986: Report on the petition of Richard Barrow

MINT01194: Copy of Richard Sandford's memorial concerning a clerk for assistance in the prosecutions of clippers and coiners

MINT01195: Copy of Treasury referral of Sandford's memorial

MINT00869: Draft of MINT00868 (Mint 19/1/450-51)

MINT01927: Draft of MINT00868 (Mint 19/1/450-51)