MINT00874: Petition for a reward for informing against owners of illegal presses

MINT01161: Copy of reference for petition and bill concerning several public seals

MINT01010: Treasury referral of Lauderdale's memorial concerning Mint funds

MINT01008: Memorandum on the Edinburgh Mint

MINT01209: Warrant concerning the fishing of wrecks

MINT01011: Report of the moneys from fishing a wreck near the Isle of Mayo

MINT01012: Account of the moneys from fishing a wreck near the Isle of Mayo

MINT00771: Approves James Girard's bill for engraving seals

MINT01013: "Sir Isaac Newton's Report upon Mr Gerard's Bill for Engraving Seals"

MINT00095: Recommends the appointment of Robert Lowe as porter at £20 p.a. by a constitution instead of by a patent, which would cost the appointee too much

MINT00096: Proposes £30 p.a. for senior engraver Croker to maintain [Francis] Beresford, who has completed his apprenticeship [see MINT00078 (Mint 19/1/165) and MINT00079 (Mint 19/1/155-6)]

MINT01014: Letter concerning a potential raise to the salaries of the clerks of the Mint

MINT00097: 'To Sr. Isaac Newton Master and Worker of his Maj. Mint in ye Tower/ The Humble Memorial of Sam: Bull 2d. Engraver &c'

MINT01015: Request for a Trial of the Pix

MINT00509: In support of a protest by the Corporation of Moneyers against Wood's licence to coin [MINT00508 (Mint 19/2/460-61)]

MINT01017: Memorial of Charles Earl of Lauderdale, with Treasury referral

MINT01018: Memorial of John Montgomerie, with Treasury referral

MINT01016: "Report of Sir I. Newton upon the Memorials of the General and Master of his Majesty's Mint at Edinburgh"

MINT00476: Excuses delays in presenting his accounts by his agent's failure to send him relevant documentation

MINT00511: Following a protest by the Irish Parliament against Wood's licence to coin, asks Newton to send an expert to Bristol to examine his coins
