MINT00466: Draft of MINT00465 (Mint 19/3/199)

MINT02061: Draft of MINT00465 (Mint 19/3/199)

MINT00467: Protest against preferential treatment for the Edinburgh Mint

MINT01028: Copy of note regarding payment to Charles Lauderdale for service to the Mint in Scotland

MINT00472: Holograph draft of royal warrant to Lauderdale to settle salaries and expenses as they become due [as suggested in MINT00470 (Mint 19/3/107-8)]

MINT00471: Draft of MINT00470 (Mint 19/3/107-8); Mint 19/3/105-6 dated 7 October 1718

MINT02059: Draft of MINT00470 (Mint 19/3/107-8); Mint 19/3/105-6 dated 7 October 1718

MINT00470: Response to Lauderdale's request for an advance of £2,400 to the Edinburgh Mint

MINT00468: Holograph draft of royal warrant to Lauderdale, General of the Edinburgh Mint, to settle the payment of salaries and expenses outstanding since Christmas 1714

MINT00469: Further holograph draft of MINT00468 (Mint 19/3/146), dated November 1718

MINT01009: Lauderdale's memorial for funds for the Mint

MINT01010: Treasury referral of Lauderdale's memorial concerning Mint funds

MINT00473: Holograph drafts of various paragraphs of a memorandum on the Edinburgh Mint

MINT01008: Memorandum on the Edinburgh Mint

MINT01017: Memorial of Charles Earl of Lauderdale, with Treasury referral

MINT01018: Memorial of John Montgomerie, with Treasury referral

MINT00474: In response to a petition from the Edinburgh master, recommends renewal of the indenture of the Edinburgh Mint of 17 November 1718 and the release of £2,100 for the Edinburgh Mint's expenses

MINT00475: Holograph draft of MINT00474 (Mint 19/3/198), also dated 13 September 1723

MINT01016: "Report of Sir I. Newton upon the Memorials of the General and Master of his Majesty's Mint at Edinburgh"

MINT00476: Excuses delays in presenting his accounts by his agent's failure to send him relevant documentation