MINT01285: William Butler: The Information of William Butler of Rupert Street in Piccadilly 2nd day June 1698

MINT01291: Mary Hobbs: The Voluntary Examination and Deposition on Oath of Mary Hobbs, late of the Town of Bridgewater in the County of Somerset and now residing at East Cowes in the parish of Whippingham in the Isle of Wight and County of Southampton 2 July 1698

MINT01286: John Snow: Untitled, 7 June 1698

MINT01287: Mary Stringer: The Examination of Mary Stringer the wife of Moses Stringer of Villers Street in York builders Chymist practitioner in physick 28 June 1698

MINT01288: Moses Stringer: The Examination of Moses Stringer of Villers Street in York buildings Chymist 29 June 1698

MINT01289: Thomas Hall: The Deposition of Thomas Hall of Pettycoat Lane in Aldgate parish Vintner 29 June 1698

MINT01290: William Butler: The Deposition of William Butler of Rupert Street in St James Westminster 29 June 1698

MINT01293: Charles Berdoe: The Deposition of Charles Berdoe of the parish of St Marys at Hill near Billingsgate Cheesemonger 6 July 1698

MINT01294: William Molins: The Deposition of William Molins of Bread Street near the Old Change Founder 6 July 1698

MINT01295: Mary Adams: The Information of Mary Adams the wife of James Adams of Kings Street in Bloomsbury Doctor of Physick 7 July 1698

MINT01255: Isaac Wood: The Information of Isaac Wood of St Clements Danes in the County of Middlesex 9 July 1698

MINT01256: James Jenkins: The Information of James Jenkins of the parish of St Clements Danes in the county of Middlesex Watchmaker 9 July 1698

MINT01257: John Pithall: The Deposition of John Pithall of Norwich Court against the May Poll in East Smithfield 9 July 1698

MINT01258: Elizabeth Pithall: Untitled, 9 July 1698

MINT01296: Henry Blaney: The Deposition of Henry Blaney of Orchard Street in Westminster Bricklayer 10 July 1698

MINT01259: William Pool: The Information of William Pool of Westminster in the county of Middlesex 14 July 1698

MINT01297: Elizabeth Bond: The Examination and Information of Elizabeth Bond of St James's parish in Westminster wife of John Bond Bricklayer 15 July 1698

MINT01298: Anthony Hildyard: The Information of Anthony Hildyard of Stradbrook in the County of Suffolk Yeoman 15 July 1698

MINT01260: Mary Miller: The Examination and Deposition of Mary Miller of Rupert Street within the parish of St James's Westminster Widow 19 July 1698

MINT01262: William Highstreet: The Deposition of William Highstreet of St Margarets parish in Westminster Baker 27 July 1698
