MINT01140: Copy of a note to the Mint notifying them of a claim regarding a potential discovery of false coining

MINT00616: Estimates the lowest possible cost of coining farthings as 1s.9 1/2 d. per pound weight. He and another mill owner, Essington, are considering putting in a joint tender

MINT00617: An account of experimental coinage of halfpence from bars: the coins have proved substandard. Suspects tin has been added by the melter contrary to instructions. Repeats request for money to repair and equip the Irish Mint [see MINT00611 (Mint 19/2/305)]

MINT01050: Copy of note accompanying the memorial of Henry Smithson relation to prosecutions of coiners

MINT01143: Copy of notes accompanying memorials of Henry Smithson

MINT01141: Copy of a plea from "P. B." for a pardon in exchange for information about counterfeiting

MINT01146: Copy of response to the memorials of Henry Smithson, with an account of a meeting with John Thompson

MINT01051: Copy of note accompanying the memorial of Mr Bertie concerning the assaying of copper

MINT01147: Copy of note accompanying letter concerning the currency of Ireland

MINT01148: Copy of letter concerning the passing of French currency in Ireland

MINT01142: Copy of letter from "P. B." concerning his appeal for a pardon

MINT01684: Declaration that Edward Carter, a waterman and servant to the Mint, is exempt from parish duties

MINT00319: Referral of the above

MINT00984: Petition of the traders of woollen manufactures in Taunton

MINT01149: Copy of the petition of the traders of woollen manufactures in Taunton

MINT01150: Copy of note referring the Taunton petition

MINT00758: Requests orders to draft new designs for coins as soon as the King's coat of arms has been decided on

MINT01183: Copy of order to proceed with coining using dyes from her late Majesty's reign, until dyes with his Majesty's effigies and arms be produced

MINT00983: "Report of the Officers of the Mint upon the Petition of the Traders about Taunton, concerning the value of Moyders"

MINT01151: Copy of response to the Taunton petition
