MINT00755: Holograph memorandum on Newton's design for a Union medal, with a detailed explanation of its symbolism

MINT00886: Holograph account of errors in the Exchequer and Mint weights of 1588 and 1707 and the unused Scottish weights of 1607

MINT01988: Draft of MINT00167 (Mint 19/1/290)

MINT01989: Draft of MINT00167 (Mint 19/1/290)

MINT01990: Draft of MINT00167 (Mint 19/1/290)

MINT01214: Copy of letter concerning covering the costs of coinage at the Mint in Scotland

MINT00703: Draft of MINT00702 (Mint 19/3/566)

MINT02067: Draft of MINT00702 (Mint 19/3/566)

MINT02068: Draft of MINT00702 (Mint 19/3/566)

MINT00702: Adverse report on the tender of [John] Drummond to handle tin in Amsterdam

MINT00355: Proposals for new sets of check weights and new gold and silver trial plates to be made for both London and Edinburgh

MINT01210: Copy of letter concerning the synchronisation of practices of the Mint in Scotland and in the Tower

MINT00356: Detailed list of supplies to be sent to Edinburgh and their prices

MINT00357: 'A Bill of the prizes [i.e. prices] of such Tools & other things as may be usefull in her Majts Mint in Scotland', with a covering letter to the Treasury

MINT00358: Holograph draft of MINT00357 (Mint 19/3/15-16)

MINT00950: "Report of the Officers of the Mint upon the Inventory of Tools for the Mint in Scotland"

MINT01211: Copy of inventory of tools used by the Mint in Scotland

MINT01896: Holograph draft of MINT00357 (Mint 19/3/15-16)

MINT00369: Holograph memorandum on Edinburgh trial plates and pyx trial

MINT00370: On the need to supply the Edinburgh Mint with trial plates, weights, dies and Mint marks
