MINT00225: Holograph notes on Cologne dollars 1666-83 and ducatoons 1668-75

MINT00226: Notes on German coins

MINT02030: Notes on German coins

MINT02031: Notes on German coins

MINT02032: Notes on German coins

MINT01006: Letter concerning the exchange of currency with Sweden, with an extract from a relevant treaty

MINT01007: Letter concerning the petition of the widow of John Roos

MINT01160: Copy of letter concerning the petition of the widow of John Roos

MINT00880: Holograph note that Rotherham says his invention can be tried out in ten days' time if he is guaranteed the requested hereditary Mint post in the event of its being accepted

MINT00873: Response to MINT00872 (Mint 19/1/495): Rotherham appears to be 'a trifler more fit to embroyle the coinage then to mend it'

MINT00340: Holograph memorandum: is income tax payable by the Mint on money raised for it under the Coinage Act?

MINT00341: Further holograph draft of MINT00340 (Mint 19/1/359)

MINT00793: Holograph draft report on the investigation of the Alva mine, in response to a petition for payment from James Hamilton

MINT00877: Holograph list of twelve questions to put to Rotherham at an interview

MINT00876: Signed holograph draft of MINT00875 (Mint 19/1/464), also dated 1 March 1720/1

MINT00339: Clerical copies of royal warrant setting income tax at 2.5%

MINT00879: Temple Stanyon (for the Privy Council) to the Treasury, referring MINT00878 (Mint 19/1/490) to their consideration

MINT00473: Holograph drafts of various paragraphs of a memorandum on the Edinburgh Mint

MINT01008: Memorandum on the Edinburgh Mint

MINT00582: Holograph fragment of a report on the Mint officers' inspection of the silver recovered from a shipwreck off the Isle of Mayo, advising that the Mint has all the facilities necessary to deal with it and there is no need to set up a new office